Great Plants start with Great SOIL! <– Click here for an easy guide to bagged soils!

Tips for Great Landscaping

1.) Make the most of mulch: put thicker layers over areas that are exposed to keep weeds from germinating (Weedmat is suggested for new projects). Also, if color fades, rake what mulch you have to turn over for a better color.

2.) Protect tender plants (annuals, perennials, roses, etc.) from late frosts.

3.) Keep snails, slugs, and caterpillars away! For snails and slugs use a iron phosphate bait. Caterpillars nests should be taken out of trees and disposed of to prevent more damage.

4.) Attract birds and butterflies to your garden. Handouts are available for Butterflies, Birds, Summer color, and Fragrance gardening.

5.) After flowering, give out of control trees and shrubs a small trim. Plan to prune early-flowering shrubs, like forsythia and lilac, as soon as blooms fade. Next year’s flowers have set within 10 days of the end of the bloom, so timing is important.

6.) WATER! Watering is the most important thing you have to do to maintain a properly planted tree or shrub.



All new plantings, depending on the weather conditions, will probably need to be watered at least once a week for the next 2-4 weeks. After the initial 2-4 weeks, all plantings should be checked frequently for adequate moisture levels for at least a year (especially during the hot and dry summer and fall months). The easiest and best way to tell if your plant needs water is to dig a hole in the soil about two to four inches deep beneath the plant and feel if the soil is moist or not. If the soil feels dry, it is recommended to set a hose at a trickle at the base of the plant until the area is throughly soaked. Watering time will vary depending on the size of the rootball. Water long enough so that the entire rootball is wet. A quick sprinkle from a hose does not provide enough water to seep into the deeper roots. Once the rootball area is wet, that should be enough water for 7-14 days, depending upon rainfall amounts. Unless there has been significant rainfall watering may be nessasary, check your Extremely hot, dry and windy weather will require you to monitor soil moisture every few days.


Signs of under watering: Signs of over watering:

  • leaves are wilted -leaves are wilted

  • leaves are brown and crunchy – leaves are brown and soft

  • leaves may begin to fall off plant – leaves will stay on plant

7.) If you are not sure of the pH or nutrients in your planting soil, have it tested. We suggest using a soil testing kit or taking a sample of your soil to Cornell Cooperative Extension. (visit their website for more information.

8.) Fertilizers are great for a landscaping, but make sure they are not out of date and stored properly.

9.) Use a hedge instead of a fence: Many evergreen trees and other shrubs make excellent hedges.

10.) If you are planning on doing a landscape project, bring pictures, measurements, and anything else you think would help our professionals to help you find plant material that would suit your home.